Meet Blade, a 2-year-old Japanese Akita. He is such a strikingly beautiful dog that, when I spotted him running around a park near King's Cross, I immediately decided to introduce myself.
Despite his formidable looks and an impressive size (similar to an Alsatian but bulkier), Blade is extremely friendly, with his big, fluffy, bear-like face and kind, intelligent eyes. Large and muscular, beautifully proportioned, with the characteristic red fawn and black coat with spots of white, he is a truly fine example of his breed. Blade's owner clearly adores him and, in return, he is fabulously well behaved, responding immediately to her commands and, when offered a treat, extending his paw and sitting down nicely. The owner also tells me that Blade is great with children: patient, loving and affectionate and he even lets the little ones ride him like a horse!
The owners had air conditioning installed in their living room to help Blade keep cool, as his thick coat can be a bit much in the summer. He is clearly loved and pampered dog, his good manners, gentle character and wonderfully good looks being a testimony of their dedication to him.
Akitas are an ancient Japanese breed, originally bred for hunting, later briefly for dog fighting. Their temperament has changed over centuries and Akitas are now mostly very calm and laid-back in character. Akitas do have a stubborn streak in them, so they need a firm and patient owner but, providing they have the right upbringing, they make great family pets, just like Blade.
To find out more about Akitas, and to help re-home Akita in need please visit The Akita Rescue