Remember Sidney - the cutest pup in London of 2007? Well, it's 2008 and there is a new star in town.
Meet Moomin - a 12-week-old whippet puppy. I spotted this little cutie in Islington's Farmers Market, sitting by one of the stalls at the entrance. He was wearing a lovely checkered woollen coat and chewing on a stick that was nearly the same size as him.
Moomin is a new addition to his owner's family. They always wanted a whippet and Moomin seemed like the dream dog. One glance at this little beauty and you understand why. He is absolutely tiny, with white socks on his paws, an amazingly shiny and silky steel coloured coat and, better still, matching luminous grey eyes. He kept bouncing around in a happy carefree pupy fashion, attracting the attention of virtually every passer-by with his wonderful sparkling personality and fabulous looks.
Whippets were very much working-class dogs, known as the 'poor man's greyhound' and popular in the North of England. In perfect whippet fashion, Moomin comes from a terraced house in Birmingham. Before coming to London, he used to have hearty diet of scrambled eggs for breakfast, tuna for lunch and some tripe for dinner. He is now on puppy feed but still adores tuna, and will not refuse a treat either. He put his tiny paws on my knees while looking at me inquisitively, before scoffing the treat hastily. How could one refuse such a little charmer?
I am sure that Moomin's beauty and charm will only grow with age, as he is pretty special already. As an avid whippet fan and a fellow Islingtonite, I am genuinely lookinng forward to seeing Moomin again soon!
To learn more about whippets and meet another whippet beauty please visit Pearl